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CCCB Establish Partnership with SINOCREDIT to Smooth Sion-Britsh Trade

18th June (London) China UK Business Association (CCCB) has established a strong partnership with SINOCREDIT, which is under the leadership of the Ministry of Commerce of China, to facilitate trade and investments between China and the United Kingdom.






New Appointed Ambassador Liu Xiaoming Strengthens UK and China Relationship

03 March (London) Liu Xiaoming, the new ambassador to the UK, was welcomed by British Foreign Secretary David Miliband's envoy as well as by officials from the Chinese embassy in London on Sunday.


新出任中国驻英国大使刘小明先生会见英国外长David Miliband强调英中两国的全面合作。




The International Capital Conference 2009 (ICC 2009) of Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) opened in London

LONDON, Sept. 15 (CCCB) - The International Capital Conference 2009 (ICC 2009) of Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) opened in London on Tuesday. Chinese ambassador to UK Fu Ying addressed in the opening ceremony.

第二届博鳌亚洲论坛国际资本峰会15日在伦敦开幕,中国驻英国大使傅莹发表致辞。这是博鳌亚洲论坛国际资本峰会第二次在伦敦举行,来自中国、英国政府机构和企业的400多名代表参加了本届峰会。在全球性金融危机爆发一周年之际,这次为期两天的峰会将就世界经济走势、中国经济在世界经济中的作用、金融危机带来的经验教训等进行深入讨论 。



Zhejiang Enterprises Association Delegate Visited London

China UK Business Association (CCCB) hosted business discussion with delegation from Zhejiang Enterprises Association led by Xiaolong, Ye (President of Hongzhou Xihuo Real Estate Development Corporation). 15 Chinese influential business leaders from Zhejiang Province joined the Visit, including Neng’en, Chen (Chairman of Busen Group), Jingeng, Ye (CEO of Xinle Cable Limited), etc. The delegates expressed their strong interests in seeking business opportunities and investments in the UK.




Director Yuan met Director general of Bilbao at Biscay Culture Show in London

Representatives from the Regional Government of Biscay in the Basque Country came to London to showcase the wide range of attractions available to tourist in Bilbao and Biscay. China Britain Business Association, the Regional Government of Bizkaia, ORBISO GLOBAL and Publicasity jointly organised this exclusive event to celebrate the exhibition by Chinese modern artist Cai Guoqiang taking place at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao at The Berkeley Hotel in Knightsbridge. More than tow hundreds business people were invited to taste different Basque cuisine samples prepared by six well known Biscay chefs, some of them with Michelin Stars.


三月12日,英国中国总商会与西班牙毕尔巴鄂市协办蔡国强中国现代艺术伦敦招待酒会,此次招待酒会及比斯开文化交流活动是为了庆祝蔡国强<<我想要相信>> 现代艺术展将于2009年3月在西班牙毕尔巴鄂古根海姆美术馆巡回展出而设计。 共约300名中、英、西班牙等商界名流受邀参加了晚宴。






BLOOMBERG TOUR   英国中国总商会将于二月二十六日下午组织商会会员 访问全球最具权威的财经资讯公司博资讯伦敦办公室。

China UK Business Association has arranged a visit to the world most prestigious Bloomberg building in London Finsbury SQ, this offered an exclusive opportunity to our members to take a closer look at inside Bloomberg Live Television, and its powerful all-inclusive BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL platform.


There were more than 30 firms from Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan joined this visit. Xinhua News Agency London Bureau, the People's Bank of China, Sing Tao Daily, Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission London Office, CCPIT UK office and White & Case, etc. were among the delegate.  


2月26日下午,在英国中国总商会(CCCB)的组织下, 来自大陆、香港及台湾等三地的金融、法律及新闻机构驻伦敦办事处的30多位代表参观了彭博资讯(BLOOMBERG)设在伦敦的欧洲总部。参加活动的主要单位有:新华社伦敦分社、FT金融时报、星岛日报、台湾行政金融监督管理委员会驻伦敦代表处、中国国际贸促会伦敦分会、中国人民银行驻欧洲代表处、中国出口信用保险公司及伟凯事务所等。



中国总商会,中国商会,英国中国总商会,China UK Business Association,Chinese Chamber of Commerce,商会,Chamber of commerce,China, CCCB, CCCB, Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Britain, Chinese-British Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce, China UK Business Association, UK China business associationJoin CCCB Now


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